Martin F. Schlögl's Robots

Arexx Asuro - Conrad Robby CCRP5 - Lego Mindstorms NXT 2 - WowWee Robosapien - Sphero BB-8 - Robo Maxx - Samsung Navibot - Neato Botvac connect - Xiaomi Mijia 1S - Xiaomi SWDK ZDG 300 - Roborock S6 MaxV - Roborock Q8 Max+ - Bosch Indego connect - Litter Robot III connect - Mammotion Yuka 15000

Arexx Asuro

The Asuro is a small two-wheel driven educational robot, programmable in C.
microcontroller: Atmel AVR ATmega8, 8MHz, 8bit, 8kB Flash, 1kB SRAM, 512bytes EEPROM

some hardware modifications/extentions:
  • infrared communication rebuilt to a removable module for distance measure
  • line tracker rebuilt to a removable module
  • ultrasonic range finder module (from the book "Mehr Spass mit Asuro")
  • snake vision module (basically two heatsensors, from the book "Mehr Spass mit Asuro II")
  • LCD display module (from the book "Mehr Spass mit Asuro II")
  • servo controller module
  • minesweeper module (metal detector)
  • bluetooth and Wi-Fi modules
Roboternetz Asuro forum
alternative Asuro lib at sourceforge

Conrad Robby CCRP5

Robby CCRP5 The Robby CCRP5 is a caterpillar driven robot, programmable in CCBASIC.

microcontroller: Conrad C-Control
CPU Motorola/freescale MC68HC05B6, 4/12MHz, 8bit, 6kB EPROM, 173bytes RAM, 256 bytes EEPROM

addon-microcontroller: Conrad C-Control II
CPU Infineon C164CI, 20MHz, 16bit, 512kB Flash, 64kB SRAM

hardware extentions:
  • RP5 extension board
  • LCD display
Roboternetz Robby CCRP5 forum

Lego Mindstorms NXT 2.0 8547

Lego Mindstorms NXT2 Shooterbot
Lego Mindstorms NXT2 Gator
Lego Mindstorms NXT2 Color Sorter
Color Sorter
Lego Mindstorms NXT2 Color Sorter Catapult
Color Sorter Catapult
Lego Mindstorms NXT2 Explorer
Lego Mindstorms NXT2 robotic arm
robotic arm
Lego Mindstorms NXT2 Alpha Rex
Alpha Rex
robotics kit for building different robots
programmable in Lego NXT-G (LabView related graphical development environment)

microcontroller: ARM AT91SAM7S256, 48MHz, 32bit, 256kB Flash, 64kB RAM
LCD Display 100x64, speaker, USB2.0, bluetooth

Mikes Lego Mindstorms page
Wikipedia article

WowWee Robosapien

The Robosapien is a bipedal walking robot
with some programming capabilities.

Sphero Star Wars BB-8

BB-8 smart phone controlled robot ball

CPU: ARM Cortex M4, 75MHz
accelerometer, gyroscope
bluetooth connection
inductive charging

Robo Maxx

Robo Maxx vacuum cleaner robot
front bumper sensor, random driving path

Samsung Navibot SR8894

vacuum cleaner robot

CPU: Microchip PIC32MX360F, 80MHz
infrared distance sensors
front- and side bumper sensors
infrared cliff sensors
infrared remote control
Samsung SR8894

Neato Botvac connect

Neato vacuum cleaner robot

CPU: Atmel AT91SAM9XE128
laser scanner
side infrared distance sensor
front bumper sensor
infrared cliff sensors
wifi connection

Xiaomi Mijia 1S

vacuum cleaner robot

CPU: ARM" Cortex A35
laser scanner
infrared distance sensor
front bumper sensor
infrared cliff sensors
wifi connection
Mi 1S

Xiaomi SWDK ZDG300

ZDG300 wiping robot

CPU: ARM" Cortex A35
infrared distance sensor
front bumper sensor
infrared cliff sensors
wifi connection

Roborock S6 MaxV

vacuum cleaner robot

CPU: Qualcomm Technologies APQ8053
laser scanner
dual front camera
infrared distance sensor
front bumper sensor
infrared cliff sensors
wifi connection
S6 MaxV

Roborock Q8 Max+

S8 Max+ vacuum cleaner robot

laser scanner
front camera
infrared distance sensor
front bumper sensor
infrared cliff sensors
wifi connection
Self-Draining Suction Station
S8 Max+

Bosch Indego 1000 connect

lawnmower robot

CPU's: Freescale SPC5604PEVLQ6 (MPC5604P), 64MHz, and Atmel AT91SAM9G10, 266 MHz
navigation sensors: odometry, compass, acceleration, limit wire, collision
other sensors: tilt, lift, temperature
GSM data connection

Mammotion Yuka 1500

Yuka wirefree lawnmower robot

GNSS-RTK positioning
3D vision dual front camera
front bumper sensor
other sensors: tilt, lift, temperature, rain
wifi and bluetooth connection
GSM data connection

Yuka RTK

Litter Robot III connect

litter robot 3 self-cleaning litter box
cat sensor
drawer full sensor
light sensor
wifi connection